
Average score 975 Reviews
Mathilde Hadja noted on Google

Alors moi j'ai adoré ce lieu c'était super joli la déco est incroyable les gens sont super sympa l'ambiance est bien sympa la cuisine incroyable ce que j'ai mangé j'ai bien aimé et le personnel mais adorable (Translated by Google) So I loved this place it was super pretty the decor is incredible the people are super nice the atmosphere is very nice the food incredible what I ate I really liked it and the staff were lovely

11 hours ago
Yvette Delpivar noted on Google

Super resto. Énorme diversité de plats. Peux se faire en famille et tout le monde sera satisfait de son repas (Translated by Google) Great restaurant. Huge diversity of dishes. Can be done as a family and everyone will be satisfied with their meal

3 days ago
luc lagache noted on Google

Première fois dans ce restaurant. Très agréablement surpris. Le meilleur restaurant buffet asiatique que j'ai fait sur Clermont et ses environs. Produits très frais, large choix et personnel efficace tout en étant discret. Félicitations ! Et merci pour ce très bon moment. (Translated by Google) First time in this restaurant. Very pleasantly surprised. The best Asian buffet restaurant I have had in Clermont and its surroundings. Very fresh products, wide choice and efficient staff while being discreet. Congratulations ! And thank you for this great time.

4 days ago
David noted on Google

13 days ago
Gilles Armelle noted on Google

19 days ago
Aziz Bendab noted on Google

24 days ago
Irakli Qoqosadze noted on Google


25 days ago
Jeanne W. noted on Reservation

25 days ago
Bruno Vitagliano noted on Google

27 days ago
Rayanou noted on Google

1 month ago

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4 Rue des Chazots
63170 Aubière, France

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